Tag Archives: vote

We celebrate the New Hampshire Primary’s 100th Anniversary this year!

1977 ballot stampHosting the First-In-The-Nation Presidential Primary every four years means that we here in New Hampshire get to see, hear, and evaluate, up close and personal, all the candidates for President as they file into New Hampshire, fill the airwaves, go door-to-door, and meet us where we live, dine, drink, celebrate, shop, work, recreate, go to school, and on the street. The phone calls and media add to the full court press. But we are able to do our homework and go into the voting booth a well informed populace.

NH’s First-In-The-Nation Presidential Primary will be held on Tuesday, February 9, 2016. In Londonderry, voting will be in the Londonderry High School Gym from 7:00am to 8:00pm.

The Londonderry Historical Society will again have the opportunity to hold a bake sale in the gym lobby during voting hours. If you’d like to donate baked goods, you can do so individually wrapped (preferred) or whole. We usually sell our individually wrapped items for $1.00 each, so please package items accordingly. For whole items, please suggest a price. We also found that Kay’s ‘cupcakes in a mug’ did very well last year; normally frosted cupcakes aren’t as popular. Her creativity paid off!
We will also have a basket raffle that will again include a quart of Hank Peterson’s Maple Syrup. As you know, Mr. Peterson passed away in late December. He was a man that embodied all that is good about Londonderry and will be dearly missed. We will remember him fondly and his good works will forever be a part of Londonderry History.

*For information on the New Hampshire Primary 100th Anniversary, see: https://www.nh.gov/nhinfo/manual.html